Who am I? I don't know, but I'm discovering it day by day. This discovery is what we call my life path.

The aim of the sessions I propose is to establish a link between this "I am" and the present, because the content of your session depends on your current situation. As an intelligent guide, your Soul will direct you to the part of your consciousness that will help you in the present moment. We can talk about past lives or lives in forms other than the human form, but what matters is what that piece of consciousness will open your present into something greater than what you previously believed you were.

In 2019, I have an intense experience that changes my vision forever.

From this experience, I start writing texts in English on the social site Medium (to date, I have almost 4000 followers) and in August 2020, I start taking the BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) hypnosis course invented by Candace Craw-Goldman, the former assistant of Dolores Cannon, the famous hypnotherapist. In June 2021, I graduate. In the years that follow, I explore, integrate and learn complementary techniques, exchanging multiple sessions with colleagues while giving sessions for clients.

With gentleness and firmness, I lead you out of the tangle of your beliefs towards the precise point of knowledge you need at this very moment.

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