I take you here into a state of Theta consciousness where beyond words, YOU KNOW.

If you want to see more clearly in yourself, if you're going through doubts, a lack of motivation, depression, a session will enable you to take stock and start afresh on the right foot. My name is Jean Carfantan and I've been a hypnotherapist for 3 years.

We find it hard to get out of the state of beta consciousness because we've been formatted to stay in this state of consciousness, which is the one that produces material wealth. This state doesn't make us happy because it promotes a sense of separation and distance from who we really are.

The theta state, on the other hand, connects us to the Whole and gives us immediate knowledge through identification.

Sometimes, on the occasion of traumatic, dramatic events, our personality, built for the needs of living in society, fails to meet our thirst for authenticity. Hypnosis is then an ideal tool for rebuilding ourselves on a true foundation.

Hypnosis is a meditation for two where the practitioner guides, listens and asks questions. Theta consciousness expresses itself through sensations, images, sounds, emotions and the practitioner is the intermediary who helps to put words to the experience.

I trained with Candace Craw-Goldman, who trained with Dolores Cannon and created Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH)

I offer two packages. The first is a one-hour discovery session at 60€ on specific questions, and the second at 160€ lasts around three hours and is aimed at real personal rejuvenation.

1 h

A session to re-energize.

3 h

A session for an in-depth review.

(you can tick more than one and I will suggest one)